How to install Azure CLI on Linux?

First published: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | Last updated: Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Learn how to install the Azure CLI on your Linux operating system to manage Azure cloud resources effectively.

What is Azure CLI?

The Azure CLI is a cross-platform command-line tool to connect to the Azure cloud and execute administrative commands on Azure resources. It allows the execution of commands through a terminal using interactive command-line prompts or a script.

Install Azure CLI

Installing the Azure CLI on your Linux operating system enables you to efficiently manage and operate various Azure resources directly from your terminal. After installation, it’s essential to verify that the installation was successful by checking the version of the Azure CLI you have. For more detailed information, you can refer to the official Azure CLI documentation.

Linux (Debian)

You can use the following commands to install Azure CLI in Debian-based Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu LinuxMint LinuxKali LinuxKubuntu Linux, etc., or any other similar equivalents.

# Install Azure CLI.
$ curl -sL | sudo bash

# Check Azure CLI version.
$ az --version

# Login to Azure cloud via Azure CLI.
$ az login --use-device-code

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