Introduction to Azure

  1. Learning the evolution of cloud technology from hosting providers to traditional data centers
  2. Understanding the nature of AWS and Azure cloud service providers, a miniature comparison

Overview of Azure

  1. Understanding the architecture of Azure cloud infrastructure based on regions, availability zones, and edge zones
  2. How to create an Azure account for learning purposes? (hands-on)
  3. How to build/compile and install Python from its source code? (hands-on)
  4. How to install and verify Azure CLI? (hands-on)
  5. How to install and verify Packer? (hands-on)

Azure subscription

  1. How to choose and create an Azure subscription? (hands-on)

Azure budget

  1. How to set an Azure budget with cost threshold alert? (hands-on)

Azure core resources

  1. What are the exact Azure resources considered as core resources? Why is it so?
  2. Proposing a standardized architecture for any software stack just using Azure core resources

Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

  1. Visualizing the Azure resource creation model based on the Azure Resource Manager service
  2. How to create and manage Azure resource groups? (hands-on)

Azure network

  1. Demystifying the Azure network resources based on core networking and VPN
  2. Architecting standardized network infrastructure for any software stack with Azure network resources
  3. How to create an Azure virtual network with a custom network namespace and DNS hostnames? (hands-on)
  4. How to create and manage Azure virtual network subnets considering the high availability for workloads? (hands-on)
  5. Allocating static and dynamic Azure public IP addresses from Azure’s pool of IPv4 addresses (hands-on)
  6. How to create and associate an Azure NAT gateway with virtual network, subnets, and public IP address? (hands-on)
  7. How to create and associate Azure route tables with the subnets? (hands-on)
  8. How to create and manage Azure network security groups based on our services? (hands-on)
  9. How to create Azure virtual network service endpoints for Azure storage account and Azure cosmos DB account? (hands-on)
  10. Observing the network IP address inheritance based on an Azure virtual network subnet range (hands-on)
  11. Testing the Azure NAT gateway by disassociating and associating it to an Azure virtual network subnet (hands-on)
  12. Testing the Azure network security group by denying and allowing traffic using inbound rules (hands-on)
  13. Observing the default DNS resolver for Azure virtual network (hands-on)

Azure storage

  1. Understanding the storage types, data modelling, and scalability in Azure storage account
  2. How to create and verify an Azure storage account with blob storage type? (hands-on)
  3. How to create and manage Azure storage account containers considering the scalability of workloads? (hands-on)
  4. How to upload blobs to an Azure storage account container using Azure CLI? (hands-on)

Azure CDN

  1. Architecting a standardized Content Delivery Network (CDN) solution using Azure CDN resources
  2. How to create and verify an Azure CDN profile with Azure storage account as the origin? (hands-on)
  3. How to create and associate an Azure CDN endpoint with CDN profile? (hands-on)
  4. Invalidating the cached Azure storage account objects available in Azure CDN endpoint (hands-on)
  5. Testing the impact of TTL settings on the cache hit/miss ratio of Azure CDN endpoint (hands-on)

Azure compute

  1. Architecting standardized compute infrastructure with scalable storage, loadbalancing, and deployments using Azure compute resources
  2. How to create an Azure SSH key based on a 2048-bit RSA key? (hands-on)
  3. Automating Azure image build process using Packer CLI (hands-on)
  4. Provisioning highly configured Azure virtual machines by executing JSON-based ARM templates using Azure CLI (hands-on)
  5. How to map Azure virtual machines as Ansible nodes? (hands-on)
  6. How to deploy custom workloads in Azure virtual machines, i.e., Ansible nodes? (hands-on)
  7. Provisioning a layer 7 Azure loadbalancer with backend pool, frontend IP, and health check configuration (hands-on)
  8. Observing the Azure disk mounted inside an Azure virtual machine (hands-on)
  9. Observing the Azure network interface created while provisioning an Azure virtual machine (hands-on)
  10. Testing the workload/service management in an Azure virtual machine using Supervisor (hands-on)
  11. Testing the machine-level firewall in the Azure virtual machine by denying and allowing traffic (hands-on)
  12. Testing the Azure loadbalancer by stopping and starting service in an Azure virtual machine (hands-on)

Azure DNS

  1. Understanding the global DNS system and its correlation with Azure DNS zone
  2. How to create and verify an Azure private DNS zone to resolve DNS records inside the Azure virtual network? (hands-on)
  3. Testing the DNS records of an Azure private DNS zone inside the Azure virtual machine (hands-on)

Azure container

  1. Understanding the architecture of Docker and its core components
  2. How to install, configure, and verify Docker stack in Linux machine? (hands-on)
  3. High-level outline of Azure container registry
  4. How to push Docker/OCI images to Azure container registry repositories? (hands-on)
  5. Understanding the architecture of Kubernetes and its core components
  6. How to install Kubernetes client in Linux machine? (hands-on)
  7. Visualizing the architecture of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and its core resources
  8. How to create an Azure Kubernetes cluster with custom node pools based on an Azure virtual network? (hands-on)
  9. How to configure SSH access on Azure Kubernetes cluster nodes using Azure CLI? (hands-on)
  10. How to configure a Kubernetes user to access the Azure Kubernetes cluster control plane? (hands-on)
  11. How to apply Kubernetes labels to Azure Kubernetes cluster nodes? (hands-on)
  12. How to create and manage Kubernetes namespaces in an Azure Kubernetes cluster? (hands-on)
  13. Managing the Kubernetes storage-classes and Kubernetes persistent-volumes in an Azure Kubernetes cluster (hands-on)
  14. How to create and verify Kubernetes config-maps in an Azure Kubernetes cluster? (hands-on)
  15. How to create and manage Kubernetes stateful-sets in an Azure Kubernetes cluster? (hands-on)
  16. How to create, scale, rollout, and rollback a Kubernetes deployment in an Azure Kubernetes cluster? (hands-on)
  17. How to verify Kubernetes replica-sets in an Azure Kubernetes cluster? (hands-on)
  18. How to create cluster-ip and loadbalancer based Kubernetes services in an Azure Kubernetes cluster? (hands-on)
  19. How to verify Kubernetes endpoints in an Azure Kubernetes cluster? (hands-on)